Meet Aimee
Aimee’s Story
As a trauma survivor with PTSD, I noticed as I began rescuing animals many years ago that the episodes of my PTSD became less and less frequent.
I had visitors coming with children with autism depression and a variety of other Mental issues.
Parents would message me asking to bring their children back as they have never seen them so calm and so happy.
People were leaving animals on my doorstep before I was even a 501C3. I would awake to find horses in the front yard tied to tree and pigs left in boxes.
As I learned the behaviors of these animals, the intelligence, the problem solving, the emotional capacity, I soon went vegan.
I began a mission to spread awareness Just how sentient
these animals are, and how vital it is for us to protect them.
My focus began on the most vulnerable.
The handicapped. The ones no other sanctuaries were taking and coming from different states, They now reside here, this is their home. They are my family.
It is vital that we protect them.
These very animals are helping people with similar handicaps. They were inspiring them, and motivating them.
Along the way, between my farm chores I would lay with the cows and hug them.
I felt such peace doing this. I began offering Cow hugging sessions.
People have come from all over the world to hug our cows.
The cows bring tears of joy to your eyes and a warmth in your heart that it is an experience like none other.
Not all of our cows enjoy hugging but several do, And these are the ones that we have those therapy sessions with.
Our animal therapy sessions for one on one visits or a full group builds confidence in many ways
Also in regards to how I started
These animals saved me, it is my duty unequivocally to see to it that they thrive for all of their years.
I owe them my life